Assembling Your Negotiation Dream Team: 3 People You Need in Your Corner

podcast Feb 09, 2023

Just like building a home, successfully negotiating your contract is not a solo effort.

You need a team of key players to cheer you on and help you navigate the process with your sanity intact.

The earlier in the process you assemble the team, the smoother your negotiation will be and like your dream home, the happier you’ll be with the end result.

In this episode, I’m going to share the key team players you want to collect before you begin any negotiation.

Three Things You’ll Learn In This Episode 

  • The first team player you need to have
    It’s important to have a key decision-maker in your corner, but why do we need other people on the team?

  • Why you need a team player who sees the blind spots
    How do we find someone neutral to bounce ideas off of?

  • How to round out your team
    Why do we need contract advice that’s relevant to our specific jobs?


If you haven’t already, please comment in support of the proposed FTC ban
on non-compete clauses. We have some copy-and-paste templates to help
if you need them! Deadline for commenting is on March 9, 2023.

Stop Non-Competes!


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