Shift Your Brain for the Day: Negotiation Hacks for a Quick Win

podcast May 04, 2023

When you have an imminent negotiation, there’s no time to dig into the nitty-gritty of your beliefs and socialization.

That doesn’t mean you have to go in unprepared.

There are brain hacks you can use to neutralize the mental and emotional hurdles right now.

When your brain offers unhelpful thoughts - how do you pivot?

In this episode, I share some quick brain hacks to effectively advocate for yourself.

Three Things You’ll Learn In This Episode 

  • Focus on shared value
    How can we short-circuit our brains telling us advocating for ourselves is greedy?

  • Don’t fixate on what you want to avoid
    Can we get our emotions in check ahead of time?

  • Separate then from now
    If you were shot down before, you’ll go into this negotiation expecting the same. How do you dump that baggage?




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