Episodic Influence vs. Lasting Influence: How to Master the Negotiation Skill That Changes EVERYTHING

podcast Aug 26, 2021

Following on from last week’s episode, we’re going to continue our deep dive into influence, and why it’s exceptionally important in a negotiation.

Having influence in the moment may get you what you want immediately. Maintaining influence in the long run makes it more likely that your requests will be granted, and sometimes without even having to ask.

What are the benefits of deliberately working on influence? If you want to be more intentional about being influential, what actions can you take?

In this episode, I share the dos and don’ts of building influence, and how it impacts the negotiation process.

Three Things You’ll Learn In This Episode 

  • The exponential effect of lasting influence
    When influence is working in your favor, you don’t have to negotiate as hard. Why does it get easier and easier to ask for things the more influential you become?

  • How to fully engage in the conversation
    The more present and aware you are in a negotiation, the more influence you will have. What are the nuances we pick up when we actually pay attention?

  • Why patience and generosity are part of influence
    Patience is big in physician negotiations because decisions take a while at the organizational level. How can you make room for this in a negotiation?

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