How to Expect the Unexpected in Negotiation (and Plan for It)

podcast Sep 28, 2023

Even if you have all your ducks in a row, negotiations can throw us something completely unexpected.

One left-field comment can take the wind out of our sails and derail our plans.

Instead of letting your brain pull an amygdala hijack and respond rashly, there is a safety lever that will allow us to respond in our best light.

How do we respond to the unexpected without sabotaging ourselves?

In this episode, I share how to deal with something you weren’t ready for in a negotiation.

Three Things You’ll Learn In This Episode 

  • Grace in the face of bad news
    If the conversation uncovers bad news, how do we maintain composure?

  • A well thought-out response vs. a rash reaction
    How do we take a productive pause from the conversation and create space to regroup later?

  • A win-win
    How do we make sure both parties leave the conversation feeling like value was exchanged?



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Negotiation for Physicians: How to Ask For What You Want Without Fear or Guilt with Dr. Katrina Ubell

podcast Sep 21, 2023

The pay gap in medicine is something we’re all too familiar with.

While some of it is certainly systemic and structural - there is a mindset piece where we have to bring ourselves to the table.

To get jobs and packages that align with our worth, we have to learn to ask for what we want.

Between our societal and medical socialization, that can be hard to do, but not impossible.

How do we overcome the mindset blocks that make it hard to advocate for ourselves?

Why is preparation so critical to our success at the negotiating table?

In this episode, I join physician and master certified life coach, and CEO at Weight Loss for Busy Physicians, Dr. Katrina Ubell on her podcast: Weight Loss for Busy Physicians.

We discuss the mindset and approach to a successful negotiation.

Three Things You’ll Learn In This Episode 

  • Facts vs. the stories we tell ourselves about the facts
    How do we approach negotiation with a more productive mindset instead of an us vs. them mentality?

  • Mental barriers to advoc...
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Physicians Who Lead Part 4: How Do We Have Better Conversations?

podcast Sep 14, 2023

Conversations are the lifeblood of all human interaction.

Leading others and advocating for ourselves is impossible without having effective conversations.

From the normal ones we don’t have to prepare for, to the sensitive ones we run over and over in our heads, getting good at conversations is a worthy investment.

What sets a conversation up for success?

How can we use conversations to co-create better solutions?

In this episode, we conclude our series with Talent Strategy and Leadership Consultant, and founder and CEO of 304 Coaching, Jen Thornton.

Today, we dive into conversations and why getting good at them serves us well, at work and everywhere else.

Three Things You’ll Learn In This Episode 

  • But first…
    How do we avoid blindsiding someone when we pull them into a conversation?

  • Push-pull
    There’s a difference between a conversation and a vent session. How do we master the dance of conversational push and pull?

  • A productive pause
    Sometimes our conversations need a circle-back poin...
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Physicians Who Lead Part 3: Leading People Doing Jobs You're Not Familiar With w/Jen Thornton

podcast Sep 07, 2023

Having an exceptional clinical skill set doesn’t magically translate into great leadership in a world that’s evolving at breakneck speed.

At some point we’ll find ourselves leading people whose jobs we don’t know how to do, but that doesn’t mean we can’t be effective leaders.

Whether we’re working with different specialties or people with an entirely different skill set and perspective, we have to approach the challenge like CEOs.

How do we gain the confidence to lead in an unfamiliar area?

What are the key skills we need to have?

In this episode, I’m continuing my leadership series with the founder and CEO of 304 Coaching, Jen Thornton.

We talk about leading in an area that’s not your forte.

Jen is available this month (September) in the NegotiatHER facebook group. If you have any questions bring them to her there!

Three Things You’ll Learn In This Episode 

  • We’re all leading in uncharted territory
    Even if we’re leading in a field we know, is the world moving so fast that even the famil...
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Physicians Who Lead Part 2: How to Win the Mindset Game

podcast Aug 31, 2023

When we try to wrap our heads around why leadership is so challenging, we’ll soon discover that the mindset piece is what gets in our way.

Our mental state is the foundation upon which great leadership is placed, and being a great leader begins with our own relationship with ourselves.

When that foundation is stuck in a reactive space, it’s hard for us to truly show up as our best selves, and that trickles into our teams and organizations.

Who are the 3 horsemen of the reactive leadership apocalypse?

How do we take a less stressful approach to leadership?

In this episode, we’re diving back into leadership with Talent Strategy and Leadership Consultant and CEO of 304 Coaching, Jen Thornton.

Today we talk about the mental game of leadership, and how we can turn it into something beautiful that people want to follow.

Three Things You’ll Learn In This Episode 

  • The 3 horsemen of reactivity
    When we’re in our reactive stage, what are the telltale signs and how do they manifest in doctor-land?...
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Physicians Who Lead Part 1: The First Step to Effective Leadership with Jen Thornton

podcast Aug 24, 2023

As physicians, we’re seen as leaders, but leading in an industry that has become more corporate is challenging.

Even though we’re accomplished in our careers, administrative leadership doesn’t always come naturally to us.

Adding to this the barriers we encounter as female physicians, leading well can be especially important.

Unfortunately, we’re still using leadership techniques from generations past, so we have to create something new so we can thrive.

How do we lead effectively in this new world without sacrificing who we are?

In this episode, the first of a 4-part series, Leadership Consultant and CEO of 304 Coaching, Jen Thornton returns to share how we can wear our leader hats with confidence.

Three Things You’ll Learn In This Episode 

  • Bring your whole self to the leadership table
    How can women physicians lead without sacrificing the other parts of themselves?

  • No more executive presence, time for dynamic composure
    We can’t lead the way our predecessors did. What’s expected of us ...
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Normalization and Negotiation: A Combination You Must Use to Your Advantage

podcast Aug 18, 2023

As the physician landscape continues to change, how we practice medicine looks different to how it was done before.

The more we normalize this change, the better off we’ll be and the more effectively we can advocate for ourselves.

There’s so much room for us to do our jobs better and to make them more sustainable.

In order to achieve that though, we have to get comfortable with experimentation and doing things differently.

How do we use normalization to our favor?

In this episode, I share how to use change to your advantage in a negotiation.

Three Things You’ll Learn In This Episode 

  • The power of normalization in negotiation
    How do we make it normal, and even expect that advocating for ourselves is part of who we are?

  • “We’ve never done this before” is an opportunity
    Why is it so important to push against the barrier of the standard way of doing things?

  • Rethinking how we practice medicine
    Can normalization keep more physicians in this field with a lot less burnout?



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When Work Lives Rent-Free in Your Head, Evict It

podcast Aug 10, 2023

Our jobs naturally occupy a fair amount of our time and mental space.

When that follows us off the clock, we’re letting work live rent free in our heads.

Of course, there are times we’re brainstorming solutions creatively, but I’m talking about the silent vent sessions and brain tantrums that sap our energy and make work feel even harder.

How do we stop thinking about work when we aren’t at work?

Today, you’ll learn what to do when work starts to dominate your thoughts, round the clock.

Three Things You’ll Learn In This Episode 

  • Striking a healthy balance
    What’s the difference between thinking about work in a healthy way and it living in your head rent-free?

  • How to transition from doctor you to “everything else” you
    Doing our jobs and living our lives can easily bleed into each other. How do we decompress between one part of our lives and the others?

  • Occupy your brain with thoughts that serve you
    Instead of ruminating about work all day, how do we set aside time to brainstorm solutio...
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Is Your Career Consistent with the Legacy You Want to Leave Behind?

podcast Aug 03, 2023

In our negotiations, we’re typically laser focused on that particular job and how it aligns with our lives now, but sometimes we have to zoom out.

Sometimes we have to take a 30,000 ft. view and ask ourselves - is this career consistent with the legacy we want to leave behind.

In a perfect situation, we want to look back at our careers and express pride and joy with what we accomplished, but we all know that’s not always the case in medicine.

A lot of us look at this job as something we were called to do but something that’s soul-sucking.

Is there anything we can do to change that now so we’ll look back on it fondly and proudly, with no regrets?

In this episode, I talk about the power of thinking of our legacy right now and advocating for it in our jobs.

Three Things You’ll Learn In This Episode 

  • Thinking about your legacy decades in advance
    How do you want to look back at the working portion of your life?

  • Align today’s work with tomorrow’s legacy
    What steps can we take to make sure ...
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Replay: Help! The Job Isn’t What You Signed Up For

podcast Jul 27, 2023

So you’ve successfully negotiated for a contract that aligns with you, but when you show up to work, you realize that it’s not what you signed up for.

Maybe it’s a total bait-and-switch situation, or there are some small boundaries that aren’t being honored.

When reality doesn’t quite match with what was advertised, how do you regroup and go back to the drawing board?

How do you determine if the job is even worth salvaging?

In this replay of one of my most popular episodes, I talk about ways to take action so you can get the job back on track or find something that better serves you.

Three Things You’ll Learn In This Episode 

  • Facts vs. stories
    How do we distinguish between the things that really need to be changed and things that our brains are just amplifying?

  • How to determine your non-negotiables
    When you were promised certain things that aren’t being honored, do you try to fix it or is it time to look for another option?

  • Why leaving a bad-fit environment is NOT a failure
    What valu...
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